Monday, May 9, 2011


Where to start??  With all that's going on, I have felt too overwhelmed to even think about blogging.  (Warning: this is a long post, bear with me)

First, was the tornadoes that devastated my state.  I have no words to describe what has been going on during the time since the storms.  People have rallied and proven their resiliency. 

On a more positive note, I got up at 3:00 last Friday morning to watch all the Royal Wedding coverage.  I know that I could have just recorded it and watched it at a more reasonable hour, but I wanted to see it in real time.

The Royal Wedding party
 Last week was filled with celebrations for all the people I know graduating.  I had lunch with a friend Wednesday who is graduating and Thursday was a pinning ceremony.

Wednesday afternoon as I was leaving work, my car would not start.  So, I had to get TC's sister to come get me and I used his truck for the rest of the week.

I had an orientation session at work Friday and when I got back from that, my coworkers surprised me with cake and ice cream for my birthday! We had fun eating cake and ice cream and chatting with each other.
My delicious cake

Sunday was my birthday and Mother's Day, so I spent Saturday with my family fixing the car, Home Depot, and lunch.  We had a great time, even though one of us was working on the car.

I went to church Sunday morning and then headed out to pick up TC in Atlanta because HE GOT A NEW JOB AT HOME.  The entire time we've known each other, he has worked out of town.  Now, he will be home every night!!  I hope we don't kill each other :)  His first day is today and I am anxious to hear how it went.

Congratulations for making it to the end of this long post!!


1 comment:

  1. Still don't understand why you got up at 3:00a.m. to watch a wedding.

    Of people you don't know.

    And most likely will never meet.

    Anyway that's not really important.

    The important thing is that the criteria has now been met, right?

    Remember, the criteria.

    Just messing with ya.

    Sweet dreams.
